/** Shopify CDN: Minification failed Line 17:40 Transforming class syntax to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 18:15 Transforming object literal extensions to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 29:21 Transforming object literal extensions to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 38:8 Transforming const to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 45:24 Transforming object literal extensions to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 54:24 Transforming object literal extensions to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 55:6 Transforming const to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 62:6 Transforming let to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 63:6 Transforming const to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet Line 73:22 Transforming object literal extensions to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet ... and 12 more hidden warnings **/ if (!customElements.get('product-info')) { customElements.define('product-info', class ProductInfo extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.input = this.querySelector('.quantity__input'); this.currentVariant = this.querySelector('.product-variant-id'); this.variantSelects = this.querySelector('variant-radios') this.submitButton = this.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); } cartUpdateUnsubscriber = undefined; variantChangeUnsubscriber = undefined; connectedCallback() { if (!this.input) return; this.quantityForm = this.querySelector('.product-form__quantity'); if (!this.quantityForm) return; this.setQuantityBoundries(); if (!this.dataset.originalSection) { this.cartUpdateUnsubscriber = subscribe(PUB_SUB_EVENTS.cartUpdate, this.fetchQuantityRules.bind(this)); } this.variantChangeUnsubscriber = subscribe(PUB_SUB_EVENTS.variantChange, (event) => { const sectionId = this.dataset.originalSection ? this.dataset.originalSection : this.dataset.section; if (event.data.sectionId !== sectionId) return; this.updateQuantityRules(event.data.sectionId, event.data.html); this.setQuantityBoundries(); }); } disconnectedCallback() { if (this.cartUpdateUnsubscriber) { this.cartUpdateUnsubscriber(); } if (this.variantChangeUnsubscriber) { this.variantChangeUnsubscriber(); } } setQuantityBoundries() { const data = { cartQuantity: this.input.dataset.cartQuantity ? parseInt(this.input.dataset.cartQuantity) : 0, min: this.input.dataset.min ? parseInt(this.input.dataset.min) : 1, max: this.input.dataset.max ? parseInt(this.input.dataset.max) : null, step: this.input.step ? parseInt(this.input.step) : 1 } let min = data.min; const max = data.max === null ? data.max : data.max - data.cartQuantity; if (max !== null) min = Math.min(min, max); if (data.cartQuantity >= data.min) min = Math.min(min, data.step); this.input.min = min; this.input.max = max; this.input.value = min; publish(PUB_SUB_EVENTS.quantityUpdate, undefined); } fetchQuantityRules() { if (!this.currentVariant || !this.currentVariant.value) return; this.querySelector('.quantity__rules-cart .loading-overlay').classList.remove('hidden'); fetch(`${this.dataset.url}?variant=${this.currentVariant.value}§ion_id=${this.dataset.section}`).then((response) => { return response.text() }) .then((responseText) => { const html = new DOMParser().parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html'); this.updateQuantityRules(this.dataset.section, html); this.setQuantityBoundries(); }) .catch(e => { console.error(e); }) .finally(() => { this.querySelector('.quantity__rules-cart .loading-overlay').classList.add('hidden'); }); } updateQuantityRules(sectionId, html) { const quantityFormUpdated = html.getElementById(`Quantity-Form-${sectionId}`); const selectors = ['.quantity__input', '.quantity__rules', '.quantity__label']; for (let selector of selectors) { const current = this.quantityForm.querySelector(selector); const updated = quantityFormUpdated.querySelector(selector); if (!current || !updated) continue; if (selector === '.quantity__input') { const attributes = ['data-cart-quantity', 'data-min', 'data-max', 'step']; for (let attribute of attributes) { const valueUpdated = updated.getAttribute(attribute); if (valueUpdated !== null) current.setAttribute(attribute, valueUpdated); } } else { current.innerHTML = updated.innerHTML; } } } } )};